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Selectmen's Minutes May 5, 1997
            Minutes of May 5, 1997 Selectmen Meeting

Selectmen Present: Peter Jones, Charles Flynn; and Catherine
Kuchinski, Chair and Clerk of the Board with Joseph Nugent,
Executive Secretary to the Board of Selectmen.  Judith Murdoch
arrived at 7:20pm.

I. Open: Kuchinski called the meeting to order at 7:15pm at the
Selectmen's table within the Memorial Auditorium of the Indian
Head School where the annual Town Meeting was scheduled to begin
at 7:30pm.

II. Issues to discuss:
(1) Water Department / ConCom Court Matter: Nugent had updated
Selectmen on his attendance at the Plymouth County District Court
Hearing for the criminal application sought by the ConCom against
the Water department.  He relayed that there was a gag order on
both sides on the proposed settlement agreement in the process of
being mediated by Clerk Magistrate Sullivan. After a short
briefing of Mrs. Murdoch, the Board took the following vote on
this issue: Motion 5/5/97.1: move that the Selectmen, per Court
suggestion, approve the use and payment of the special counsel as
hired by the Water department to resolve the Conservation issue.
Motion made by Flynn with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.
It was noted that the parties would go back to court two weeks
from their appearance.

(2) Board's recommendations on salaries: It was noted that the
raises sought by the town boards for the Assistant
Assessor/Appraiser is 5.2% and for the Town Planner 3.7%.  Both
amounts supported by the FinCom. Motion 5/5/97.2: move to support
the raises as reported.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by
Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.

(3) Position on the request to add 14 hours to clerical position
in the Planning Board:  because of procedure problems, Board
members decided best course of action would be to refer to Town

III. Adjournment:  Motion 5/5/97.3: move to adjourn.  Motion made
by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.  Adjourned
at 7:25pm.